
Leadercast 2017 (Revisited)

For those of you who read my review of Leadercast from a month ago, though I provided some valuable notes from what I experienced, there is no doubt that I started that post with some fairly critical commentary about the overall experience, and the concerns I had about the future of the event. I cannot fully retract those comments, because they are not only my experience, but my evaluated experience. Only a different future experience would be adequate to do so. At the same time, my hopes for the future of the Leadercast event have changed and I now feel willing to experience it again.

Leadercast is a huge event. I have mentioned that I have attended both the live event in Atlanta, as well as the simulcast here in Asheville, over many, many years. The event is held annually. As of late 2016, Leadercast is head up by a new CEO, Duane Cummings. Leadercast claims more than 100,000 attendees at this one day event, at more than 700 locations, in 20 different countries.

My most recent blog post was made on May 11th. You can imagine my surprise when on early May 12th there was message on my phone from none other than the CEO of Leadercast, Duane Cummings, wanting to talk to me about my concerns as posted on my blog. After fulfilling a few of my morning obligations, I returned his call that same day. Duane spent over 30 minutes with me discussing my concerns, and the present vision for Leadercast. He explained some of the opportunities that exist for regular attendees, and also that some of my concerns had been addressed this past year at the local Atlanta event. There were some explanations, such as the shorter event day, that I still question (it is only one day a year after all), however I understand the basis upon which the change was made. I also feel that I understand a little bit better about the difficulties in putting together such a large event meant to serve leaders of so many ages and demographics.

Most impressive is simply the fact that he called, and then followed up with an email, expressing that his intention for Leadercast is to serve all of the Leadercast community. One of the criticisms I mentioned to him in the call (not in the prior blog post) was that at the local event in Atlanta the speakers’ books were no longer being offered for sale. I did not write about it because it seemed somewhat minor, and more of a personal beef about the event. I explained to him my awareness that in just two years 50% of the workforce will be Millennials, but I offered to him the fact that also means that 50% will not be, and some of those people still prefer to read out of books, instead of interactive applications on an IPad. He explained to me that this was his first year leading the event, and that he actually brought the sale of books back to the Atlanta live event this year (2017). He indicated in his follow up email that as long as he is leading the event, they will still offer books for sale at the live event. Leadercast in Atlanta used to be a place where I purchased my leadership reading for a full 6 months, and this itself may bring me back to Atlanta to give it another chance.

Much to my surprise, a week after our phone call I received a large box at my office, addressed from Leadercast. It contained leadership books. I had neither asked for, nor in any way ordered any of these books. It was a gift which was very much appreciated by me. Of the books enclosed, I only already had one (which I gave to an Associate in my law firm). One I was not familiar with was “The Sensational Salesman” written by none other than Duane Cummings. It was the first one that I pulled out of the box, and the first I have finished reading. It is a well written parable book (such as the parable books that Patrick Lencioni writes). Not only do I highly recommend this book, but several of the life lessons that the main character of the book experiences were exemplified by Duane in these few communications I had with him. His book helped me understand that Leadercast is in good hands, and well poised for the future, if he believes and carries out what he writes about in his book. His call and interaction with me proved that is most likely the case. I highly recommend his book, and now will probably plan to attend Leadercast Live in Atlanta on May 4, 2018.

Thanks to Duane Cummings for making this one (of over a hundred thousand) member of the Leadercast community feel like his concerns are important. Thanks for living the leadership principles that you write about. A live example of servant leadership is always so much more impressive than what anyone can write in a book.

Leadercast 2017 – Great Content (but not enough of it)

I have attended Leadercast for many years. Occasionally I miss one due to a scheduling conflict, but I have been to most. I have attended live in Atlanta many times, have done the Executive Experience a few times, and have also attended a simulcast in Asheville two times. My observation is that though some content remains excellent, there is less of it. I am not exactly sure when the downturn occurred, but the fact that the event is ending one hour earlier in the day the last two years (end time of 330P instead of 430 PM), and the pullout of John Maxwell, (last appearing a few years ago), may have much to do with it. Pricing has escalated for the Executive Experience in Atlanta, though regular attendance is still affordable. It is my observation that as Leadercast has searched for new speakers to provide content, it seems that perhaps they have lost sight of the fact that not every great leader of an organization is a great speaker about, and teacher of, leadership. The sweet spot for Leadercast and other leadership conferences seems to be to find speakers who do both well. I am afraid that with fewer hours being filled, the odds are greater that one or two speakers who lack that special quality to teach and convey leadership content have a greater likelihood of affecting the overall impact and effectiveness of the event; the kind of impact that causes an attendee to say: “I can’t wait for next year”.

Having said the above, two regular speakers, Andy Stanley and Dr. Henry Cloud, as well as new (non-regular) speaker Dan Pink, provided excellent content. Though I am not sure I would have encouraged all of my law firm attorneys to attend the whole day, I wish that they had been there to hear these three excellent speakers, discussing their insights on leadership, and specifically on the topic of “Purpose”. Here is some of what learned:

Andy Stanley – His session was titled “Powered by Purpose”. As usual he started the day off with a practical and informative overview of the topic for the day. His view is that purpose is a means to an end. Folks tend to ask themselves: Why am I here? And, what is my purpose? He believes that until we are willing to be a means to an end, we will not have true purpose. He pointed out that he believes that those who simply devote themselves to themselves will have nothing but themselves to show for themselves. The point of purpose is to determine how you will serve others, and if your plan does not include service of others, it does not have true purpose. He left us with three action points:

  1. Look at everything we do through the lens of “means”.
  2. Pay attention to what stirs your heart in struggling to discover purpose.
  3. Surround yourself with “on purpose” people

Dan Pink went on to discuss the two types of purpose. The first is with a big “P”. It is that big, transcendent thing that an organization strives for to make a difference in the world. The second type is with a little “p”. It is all about making a contribution on a daily basis. Leaders should want their people to have both of these questions answered:

  1. Am I making a difference?
  2. Am I making a contribution?

Dan left us with two action points:

  1. As we go about what we do, ask the people who we work with more questions about why, instead of how? Be more informative to them about the why of what they are doing, instead of just the how.
  2. Dan made the point that great leaders are a sentence. He used examples such as Lincoln and Roosevelt, and described what sentence probably defined each of them. He challenged us with: What is your sentence?

Dr. Henry Cloud gave his usual excellent Leadercast presentation. The conference started with defining purpose and discussing how it is cultivated in an organization. Dr. Cloud spoke about accountability. He discussed what works when it comes to accountability, what does not, and why it does not.

He said that Purpose requires:

  1. Vision
  2. Engaged Talent
  3. Strategy
  4. Measurements and Accountability
  5. Fixing or Adapting to what is discovered in the process

The problem is that we are not all “10’s” as leaders in all of these things, and unless we have folks strong in all areas and hold them accountable, our organizations tend to look like the leader, and have the same strengths and weaknesses as the Leader has.

He stated that accountability in an organization is going to have certain characteristics:

  1. Clear agreed upon expectations
  2. When those expectations must be met (timing)
  3. How living up to expectations will be inspected
  4. Communication throughout the process

Use of Handheld Devices in Meetings

Moving Beyond the Charge of Rudeness to an Environment of Cooperation and Understanding

A few weeks ago, during the NCAA Basketball tournament, I heard an XM Radio interview (I cannot recall if it was on ESPN or some other station) of Rick Pitino, coach of Louisville Cardinals.  He was discussing his leadership style, specifically answering questions regarding the prevalence of use of handheld devices by young athletes, and the difficulty with discipline that is caused by constant use. Basically, he has a “no device” rule whenever one of his college basketball players is in his presence. No devices are allowed in the locker room, no devices are allowed during practice, no devices are allowed during team meetings, and no devices are allowed when the team has meals together.

I have to admit that until recently I was in agreement with Mr. Pitino when it came to my view on the use of hand held or portable devices during meetings , whether with clients, partners or other professionals.  For some time now, however, I have been making a concerted effort to observe the use of portable electronic devices by others in public settings. Though I hate to disagree with a basketball coach with such a great win loss record  (and I dread his entry into the ACC next year because of his great success ), my observation has led me to the conclusion that communication expectations in society have changed, and nowhere is this more true than in the practice of law. In the past, law firm leaders seem to have opted for solutions which appease those lawyers who are most averse to the use of personal devices in meetings. I propose that tendency should change.  

Client meetings and communications

As the leader of a law firm, your recommendations regarding use of technology should always focus on quality service when it comes to clients. Some clients come to meetings with tablet in hand, and would not expect anything different of legal counsel. These clients understand the importance of being connected, and expect you to be as well. They also appreciate that having a device with you does not mean you’re necessarily not paying attention, playing a game or checking personal emails every time you glance away. True, they want your attention at meetings they are paying for you to attend, but are not offended by your technology. In fact, a lack of personal technology availability can work to the detriment of a lawyer in a client meeting, since the presence of handheld devices is a sign of the availability of information.  In other cases however, some clients may be less technologically savvy.  The bottom line is that in order to meet and exceed client expectations it is important that lawyers know their clients well. It is incumbent upon law firm leaders that to include in firm training, sessions which  encourage firm members to know and understand their clients; their needs, expectations and desires when it comes to communication, which is an integral part of quality service.

Colleagues and firm meetings

Whether the use of technology is a help or hindrance comes up as an issue most often when considering the use of handheld devices, or their presence, at meetings; meetings of partners, firm attorneys, executive committee, Bar Association Meetings, etc. It was not so long ago that I was known to simply “flat out” prohibit handheld devices at partner meetings and retreats. I’ve come a long way in my thinking however. Even 10 years ago, very few professionals regularly brought handheld devices to meetings. I now do not only believe that it is only a majority of folks who do, but truly the exception is actually when someone does not have their handheld device at a meeting.

It is true that some folks may be using these devices to “goof off” instead of pay attention. My observation however is that the world has changed, and handheld devices now provide access, response and security. Regardless of where an attendee stands on the technology spectrum, all should understand that clients have expectations, and with changing lifestyle demands, productive firm members need the security of “connectedness” with their family at all times (especially those with young children).

Given the potential for distraction due to misuse, but considering the demands of a rapidly changing world, law firm leaders need to find solutions that work for all firm members. Members need to be open to have discussions about proper use during meetings, and the need to use discretion in only answering or responding to emails when it is a true client or family emergency or demand. Those with negative attitudes about the use of handheld devices during meetings (which usually includes at least a few dinosaurs who have held on as non-adapters) need to be involved in the discussion, and led to understand that limited/controlled use during meetings is not only acceptable, but encouraged when safety, security or client satisfaction is the concern.

The days of exclusive mandatory rules, procedures and penalties are over. Both the means and mode of communication have changed. Young and old alike are demanding and expecting collaborative, inclusive and understanding leadership. Firm leaders must find solutions that meet the needs of all stakeholders if they expect to retain valuable firm clients, as well as the best and brightest legal talent.